Rutika Pawar
2 min readJun 16, 2024


An Open Letter to My Beloved Father

Photo by lauren lulu taylor on Unsplash

Dear Baba,

Thank you for blessing me with a life filled with happiness, prosperity, and good health. It is through your unwavering guidance that I thrive in this world today.

Since my earliest memories, I have known your presence as the greatest strength beside and behind me. You have not only taught me invaluable life lessons but have also instilled in me the core values that shape my character.

Some may see these teachings as philosophical, but to me, they are the foundation upon which I built my life.

In the end, it is the bond between us, and with our dearest parents, that truly matters. Despite any imperfections or differences from my expectations, I know your heart has always been pure and full of love for me.

A father is irreplaceable—an unyielding figure of wisdom and support. I thank God every day for blessing me with such exceptional parents, ensuring I never feel lacking in life.

Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash

The privilege and comfort I enjoy today are a direct result of your relentless hard work and sacrifices. In my youth, your advice sometimes seemed outdated or contrary to my desires, yet with maturity, I understand that every decision you made was rooted in wisdom and care.

This Father's Day, I aspire to emulate your strength, kindness, and impactful presence in our community.

I recall the days when you sacrificed your own comforts, skipping meals to earn a living and support our family. Witnessing your journey from those humble beginnings to building your own empire through sheer hard work and integrity fills me with immense pride and admiration.

Your example reassures me that goodness prevails and that dedication to noble intentions will always lead to success.

On this Father's Day, I celebrate you not just as my father but as my role model and hero. Your legacy of love and integrity will forever inspire me to strive for excellence and kindness in all aspects of life.

With heartfelt gratitude and love,

Your only loving daughter ❤️

